Contractors insurance policies range significantly in terms of what they offer. Most will have a business owner's policy (BPO) that will provide:
Why Do I Need Liability Insurance? Good liability risk management can reduce the chances that your business will be sued, but it can never eliminate the risk entirely. You or a member of your organization can make a mistake that injures someone or damages property. Your mistake could harm the reputation or interfere with the privacy of a customer, client, competitor or member of the general public. When such injuries occur, you may be legally liable to pay damages to someone who suffers a loss due to your actions or inaction. Everyone in society has a duty to take reasonable care that his or her actions do not injure others. The same rule applies to business entities. Not repairing a pothole in a parking lot, not lighting a dark stairway, failing to train workers how to do their jobs safely and legally or failing to provide directions for the safe use of a product can constitute negligence if a client, customer or member of the general public is injured as a result. The legal meaning of negligence is failure to exercise reasonable care. The law of the state where the lawsuit is filed sets the rules for the determination of liability and damages. The amount of damages imposed in any particular case is, of course, in part a function of the economic losses the plaintiff can prove he or she has endured due to the defendant’s negligence. In some states plaintiffs may also be awarded damages for. What Kind Of Liability Policy Should I Get? For small businesses the most efficient and least expensive way to purchase liability insurance is usually as part of the Business owners Policy (BOP) which combines property and liability insurance in one contract. Your liability insurer will pay damages that you are legally obligated to pay as a result of “bodily injury,” “property damage” or “personal and advertising injury,” up to the policy limits and subject to your deductible. Punitive damages are generally not covered, although there may be some exceptions. Bodily injury means injury, sickness, disease or death; it may include injuries that are emotional or mental, such as post-traumatic stress syndrome or humiliation. Personal and advertising injury includes libel, slander or any defamatory or disparaging material or a publication or utterance in violation of an individual's right of privacy; infringing the privacy or copyright rights of another in your advertisement; wrongful entry or eviction, or other invasion of the right of private occupancy; and false arrest or wrongful detention. Who Is Insured? BOP liability coverage insures a sole proprietor, partners or partners named in the policy "Declarations," but only with respect to their duties on behalf of the business. The spouses of sole proprietors or partners are also covered. If your organization has officers and directors, they are insured, as are your stockholders, but, once again, and this applies to all parties, only with respect to their duties or liabilities in connection with the business. Employees and volunteer workers are insured for acts committed within the scope of their employment in your business. 10/1/2021 Fall Insurance TipsAs football season starts and fall is here, it is an excellent time to think about your insurance and any changes you might need to make. Having the right personal insurance is important in that it protects you and your family in the event of loss, damage or accidents. The number of insurance claims varies according to the season. The fall season offers new forms of hazards and new patterns in personal insurance claims, along with the falling leaves and reducing temperatures.
Here Are A Few Types Of Insurance You Might Think About Auto Insurance, we assist you in obtaining coverage according to on your needs, driving habits, geographic area, budget, and other factors. The following are some coverage protection choices to consider during the fall and winter months.
As the weather cools and the leaves begin to fall from the trees, it's vital to remember a few important fall safety tips. Your family may enjoy the crisp fall weather while avoiding some of the dangers that come with the season if adequate precautions and safety knowledge are taken.
January 2025