It can be unpleasant to open your insurance bill to pay your premium, only to discover that your premium payments have increased upon renewal. We know that most people who carry insurance policies on their homes, cars, and businesses may be unfamiliar with how insurance policies are developed and changed. So, we thought we might help you understand the why.
Insurers base their policy prices on several variables. These cost components fluctuate up and down. Premiums are currently rising in many states. Remember, insurance companies are competing for your business, so they try to keep their rates competitive. To help us through the process, we wanted to break it down between home and auto insurance. Home Insurance
Proven Ways To Help Keep Insurance Costs Down
We represent, and have established a strategic alliance, with only the highest quality insurance companies. In doing so, we can provide you with the service and coverage to meet your dynamic needs. As your needs change, we can review and collaborate to decide which insurance company or companies are best suited to your situation 12/14/2022 We Understand Life Sciences RiskBiotechnology is designed to push the boundaries of innovation and creativity. Your work aims to provide solutions to various local and global problems, including overpopulation, food insecurity, disease, climate change, and more. As such, your work is inherently risky and occasionally controversial. Any biotechnology company's risk-management strategy must include biotechnology company insurance. Below, we discuss some of the risks biotech companies may face and how biotechnology insurance can mitigate some of those risks.
We actively manage threats to the following industries:
Strive Insurance Group, Inc. (formerly Gordon Lund Insurance Agency, Inc) is an independent insurance agency representing many insurance companies. This means that we quote with many different insurance companies to obtain the best rate and coverage for your insurance. We do this at no additional fee or service charge to you. Our insurance agency's reputation for representing the best insurance companies, providing excellent customer service and competitive pricing to our clients has been earned and proven for over 30 years. We take great pride in finding you the best coverage and backing it up with prompt personal service. We represent, and have established a strategic alliance, with only the highest quality insurance companies. In doing so, we can provide you with the service and coverage to meet your dynamic needs. As your needs change, we can review and collaborate to decide which insurance company or companies are best suited to your situation We are full into the holiday season, and while you're caught up with holiday cheer, here are our 12 gits of Christmas present. Remember, as your life changes, so should your insurance. A quick call to our office can help us educate you on the insurance coverage you need to protect your home, car, family, and life.
12 Insurance Tips for Christmas Present
We represent, and have established a strategic alliance, with only the highest quality insurance companies. In doing so, we can provide you with the service and coverage to meet your dynamic needs. As your needs change, we can review and collaborate to decide which insurance company or companies are best suited to your situation 12/1/2022 How To Stop Porch Pirates?The holiday season is filled with fun, parties, food, gifts, overeating, and, unfortunately, some risk. One of the fasted growing risks for many people is stolen packages by porch pirates. More than 25 million Americans have their packages stolen right from their doorsteps by porch pirates each year, don't be one of them.
Your homeowners or renter’s insurance generally may not cover this loss as it tends to be under your deductible. There could be covered if you have personal property off-premises insurance. Call our office for a review of your homeowner’s insurance, as each policy is unique to your circumstances. Things To Do
August 2024